The guys at FacialAbuse were into this chick. They are especially fond of her plump clitoris, and her pussy is the type they love most. You know how some pussies are so big they look like they’re spilling out of their underwear? That’s the kind she has. The Vaccinated Vandal grabbed a hold of it and had his way with it, dominating her as if she was property. Then Bootleg disciplined her with spreaders and a paddle for risqué behavior. They double-penetrated her and she thanked them for filling her mouth and belly with the yellow stuff. They softened her up with some work on her throat before completely fucking her face up. By the time Bootleg applied that figure four leg lock, she must have been holding her breath inside that pole as if she was in some sort of military operation. Once they all finished cumming on her darling face and lusciously styled hair, she greedily gulped it all down like souvlaki.
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